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Thursday, May 27, 2010

Literature and references links

Literature and Links referring grrrlzines
Aapola, Sinikka, Marina Gonick und Anita Harris (2005). Young Femininity: Girlhood, Power and Social Change. New York: Palgrave.
Carlip, Hillary (1995). Girlpower: Young Women Speak Out! New York: Warner Books.
Schilt, Kirsten. (2003-1) "A little too ironic": the appropriation and packaging of Riot Grrrl politics by mainstream female musicians. Popular Music and Society, Feb. 2003. Online: http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m2822/is_1_26/ai_106473999/pg_1
Schilt, Kristen (2003-2). ’I'll Resist With Every Inch and Every Breath: Girls and Zine Making as a Form of Resistance.” Youth & Society. 35 (1) 2003. 71-97.
Spencer, Amy (2005). DIY. The Rise of Lo-Fi Culture. London: Marion Boyars.
Zobl, Elke (2004-1). Persephone is Pissed! Grrrl Zine Reading, Making, and Distributing across the Globe. In: Hecate: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Women's Liberation. Hecate Press: University of Queensland, Australia. 30.2 2004, 156-174.
Zobl, Elke (2004-2). The Power of Pen Publishing: International feminist zines and distros. In: Feminist Collections: A Quarterly of Women's Studies Resources. The University of Wisconsin, USA. Vol. 26, no.1, Fall 2004, 20-24. Online: http://www.library.wisc.edu/libraries/WomensStudies/fc/FCZinesZobl.pdf
Zobl, Elke (im Druck 2007). Grrrl Zines. In: Girl Culture: An Encyclopedia. Claudia A. Mitchell and Jacqueline Reid-Walsh (Hg.). Westport: Greenwood Publishing Group.

Green, Karen und Tristan Taormino (1997) (Hg.). A Girl's Guide to Taking Over the World: Writings from the Girl Zine Revolution. New York: St. Martin’s Press.
Kearney, Mary Celeste (2006). Grrrl Zines: Exploring Identity, Transforming Girls’ Written Culture. In: Girls Make Media. New York: Routledge, S. 135-187.
Kennedy, Pagan (1995): Zine: How I Spent Six Years of My Life in the Underground and Finally ... Found Myself ... I Think. New York: St. Martin's Press.
Vale, V. (1997). ZINES! Volume One: Incendiary Interviews with Independent Publishers. San Francisco: Re/Search Publications.
Vale, V. (1999). ZINES! Volume Two. San Francisco: Re/Search Publications.

Grrrl Zine Network
Annatitude Magazine, Germany
Bamboo Girl, USA
Bitch Magazine, USA
Bitchcakes Girlzine, Australia
Bunnies On Strike, The Netherland
Bust Magazine, USA
Clitrocket, Italy
Culture Slut, Canada
Cuntstunt, Austria
The Fence, Canada
Fiber, Austria
F-Word: Young UK feminism, UK
The World's First Cyberfeminist Hyperzine, Australia
Girlistic, USA
Girl On Girl Productions

hermana, Resist, USA
Hip Mama
It's not just boy's fun, Germany
Lola Press, International
Ovary Action, Norway
Pretty Ugly, Australia
Reassess Your Weapons, UK
Riot Grrrl Online
Scooter, Australia
Shebytches, Canada
Strength & Courage, Spain
Subtext Magazine, UK
Uplift!, UK
Venus Zine, USA
Women space, Canada
Yellohgirls, Philippines

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