Welcome to our Gender&Media Workshop's blog!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Subversive Strategies of Media Guerilla

Today we had a look on two examples of information guerilla activism related to media and gender. We watched a short video of a funny change in genderroles of toys. GI Joe and Barbie changed their roles and the related needs.

The second example was about unreachable ideals of beautyness, created through wild performances with Photoshop. We saw the postproductional abilities of modifying photographies in the following video and got an impression of the perfect lie.

Activists busted the ad with streetart and brought some very important toolkits from Adobe Photoshop on it. Ad busting can open eyes and minds and make people start thinking about the beauty-industrie, ideals and images of genderroles.

Be creative but careful, because ad busting is not really legal. Its always the best, not to get caught!


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